Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Locomotive Breath (For reals this time)

Who's this guy on the pre-movie Coke commercial pretending he knows what to do with a Dobro?
I'd like to chill with the world a while.I'm sure they want to chill with me.

{Oh shit, Thunderball is on}
Coke ended the Cold War, let's see how it does with the War on Terror/The Conflict Against Extremism/Crusades '05

{Connery's about to whoop the cross-dressing Colonel}
{Jetpack in T-minus 2 minutes}
The irony bus left town and I wasn't on it.

I feel sorry for Tommy Lee. Well, not as sorry as I feel for Vince Neil's Chicken Dance. Still, I'd hate to be marginalized. Marginal is the new collar up.

{There it goes. That's a real Jetpack: NOT A SPECIAL EFFECT. I believe it uses a inert gas reaction, probably with Hydrogen Peroxide, to achieve thrust.}
Damn, Insomnia is a dope movie. It's so hard to find good endings these days.

{You don't believe me? Look it up}
Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer in a buddy cop movie!!!! This is the single greatest movie idea of the last 5 years. Both men have been lurking under the spotlight gearing up for comebacks. To put them both in a neo-lethal weapon is beyond awesome.
I wish I could get in on that action (Monetarily, take no sexual innuendo from that phrase).

{There were like 3 working prototypes. Only one survives. It's probably with the lost UFO hovercrafts built in the 50's-60's. Nobody knows what happened to them}
I don't really care for Pale Ale. It has too bitter of a taste for me.

My sister's rebuttal to my comment that a girl on the show House was going to bang her head on a diving board: "Come one, you know they won't do that. She's gonna have like edema in the brain or something and then hit her head on the board."Of course, we were both wrong. Well met Fox, well met.

Until we cross paths once more....


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