Thursday, August 04, 2005

Sweet Sweetbacks and Care Bear Attacks

A groundbreaking 14 year study proves that dogs can live longer lives.

Common side-effects include blurred vision and indigestion.

Elephants can be controlled using Van de Graff generators.

There are untold riches in gold and silver buried under Pakistan left by fleeing Hellenic peoples.

Popular cross-cultural myths such as Dragons of different types, the Yeti, Bigfoot, etc. could be genetic memory from a time when our ancestors dealt with predatory animals such as larger simians, large cats, and serpents. There was a time when man co-existed in some parts of northern Asia with large humanoid animals who competed with us for food and shelter. In other words, I tend to believe that most myths and folklore, no matter how ridiculous, seem to have a root of truth: ie. there is evidence that anciet greeks had discovered fossilized remains of prehistoric animals. Why have we never heard of this? Because none of the popular writers ever discussed it since these remains were instantly thought of as remnants of Titans or heroes of myth and were not considered out of the ordinary to the culture. What does this mean for all of us? Not much really, I just felt like rambling.


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