Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Roman Holiday

Does anyone else think that Roman Polanski may have gotten off too easily with Hollywood? This is really an old issue, I know, and one that predates my birth by about 5 years, but I still feel that he has not been condemned in the way he should be. I'll be the first to tell you that I love his movies. Heck, I even liked the Ninth Gate and he did that post-exile, but I have a real problem with the general Hollywood attitude. If I had not known better back when he won the Oscar a few years ago, I would have thought him to have been a victim of injustice. It seemed to me that he was portrayed the tortured artist driven away by the forces of authority. Bullshit. Let me first clarify that I feel a great amount of sympathy for the man. He barely avoided the concentration camps and his wife was murdered by the Manson family. Seriously, I can understand if he is mentally unstable. I can understand if his crimes were committed under a delusional or unsound state of mind. But to plea bargain and then run away from the consequences of your actions is beyond deploreable. I can't accept that from anyone and I would have thought him to have the strength to accept responsibility.

Maybe I'm just being unfair, but I seriously doubt it. I throw my opinions on your just rulings.


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