Tuesday, August 02, 2005

There'll be no further nasty

Lots of car chases, Lots of fist-fights, Lots of fun, and Lots of Babes. (LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!)
The story of my Summer or the plot of the Dukes of Hazzard? I'll let you decide which one.

Fine, I've got nothing really to write about so I'm just gonna do what most of the other bloggers seem to enjoy, comment on the news:

Teaching Intelligent design in school is absolutely ridiculous. Whether or not I believe in it is entirely irrelevant (although Bush seems to think that since he believes in it, it is relevant); there are no facts that point to intelligent design. It's not science. It's a subjective take on the complexity of life, a point of view. I learned about spontaneous generation in school. Do you remember what that was? That was a precursor to theories surrounding microorganisms that has been proven false. It is still taught because it was a theory that the facts supported at the time, but instead was replaced by a more relevant and conclusive theory on the makeup of the Universe. Do you think the religious in the time of the advent of cells wanted to believe that disease was not the work of witchcraft and God did not create maggots from meat? Of course they didn't. They weren't accepting the facts, they were making a subjective analysis based on belief. We can't teach intelligent design anymore than we can teach Creation "Science" or spontaneous generation. All science does is take the most current facts available and apply them in the most objective tense possible. That is what needs to be taught, believe what you will.

In other news. The shuttles need to be scrapped. First let me say that you are unlikely to find a more ardent supporter of the space program than myself, but the shuttles are outdated and failing. Now as far as Nasa is treating the current "crises", I think it's more than overreacted to the damage done to the shuttle. They should do what repairs they feel are necessary, but recent events and media over-hype has bred a culture of fear into the administration. This sort of thing is never good for engineering or advances in technology, but it does create the perfect oppurtunity to scrap our shuttles and start serious work on the next generation of space travel.

There are a lot of designs out there, but how many actual working prototypes? How many feasible solutions to space travel in the 21st century? In addition, we need to foster the privatization of space travel. This sort of thing was supposed to be commonplace by now, but we've moved at a snail's pace since the 60's. Government-approved privatization is the wave of future space innovation and will bring us in directions we never thought possible. I want to go from New York to Australia in 2 hours during my lifetime and dammit, I ought to be able.


Blogger Mairead said...

jjjim. hot shit hot shit hot shit.
i miss you.
and your hoodie.
and the buttons on the hoodie.

12:56 AM  
Blogger WRS said...

Hataz wanna hate, ballaz wanna ball. The God squad falls into the former taxon & when they try pushin' ID into my dear Educational School District 105, we're gonna push right the fuck back with serious Shaolin-rampage-katana shit.

4:37 AM  

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