Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It is a dream I have

What makes a man if not his dreams?
I guess I've always been a romantic at heart.

Is memory no more than a dream? To me it has been. My dreams lie not in the future, but in the past.

Surely I have replaced all of my cells since my fondest memories. The parts of me present are no longer my person. All that remains are impulses and neurons chronicling my experience. I only carry the memories, the dreams, of life already lived.

Do you not remember your dreams? I have dreams as old as my earliest memories. Dreams that have not left me because they are as influential to my person as the experiences I've had. Are these dreams any different than memories now? Are they any more real? Physically perhaps, but they no longer exist in the physical plane save for their thermodynamic repercussions. They can be chemically no different than my dreams.

Do you dream in color? It is the only way I know how...


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