Saturday, July 30, 2005

Thought and the Universe at large

Lying in the grass on a fall day, I can almost feel the world move under me. If I let myself go it's as if I can feel the system, I can feel a part of it, I can feel my part in it. When I do nothing I feel the most alive. There at my hands is everything and nothing at the same time. To understand nothing is to understand everything. They are the same concept. Can we forsake the petty in lieu of the Universe, or are not the petty things grand in their own right? Are the needs of the many more important than the needs of the one? Is each of us not the most important being in our Universe?

There is no limit or restriction. These are illusions. Are we not each a seperate World, a seperate Galaxy, a seperate Universe seeking our own prolongement? We are immortal. We are forever. We forever have been and forever will be. There is finite matter and energy in the Universe. Our matter was present at the big bang; present at the fusion of the Sun, present at the formation of the World. Our matter will exist beyond ourselves. It will be present at the end of the Sun, at the end of the Galaxy, at the end of the Universe. There is nothing to prevent that. We only assume different roles in the system. The groundwork for our DNA was present at creation and the implications of our existence will ripple through time and space immemorial. Fear is an illusion. Isolation is an illusion. These are animal instincts designed to further our primal roles. We are beyond those now....we can appreciate who we are and what we are capable of. We no longer need fear, doubt, poverty, despair.

Soon we will be capable of manipulating our own genetic code. Soon after that we will be able to enhance our bodies by artificial means: cybernetics. Later, once we can acheive the ultimate actuality of our genetic form and artificial form, we will expand beyond form. We will create genes for ourselves. The previously held ideals of beauty, intelligence, and strength will have no meaning...there will only be what we can achieve by our imagination. It is the ultimate goal of technology to be able to acheive all desires by the virtue of thought. We will construct new bodies for ourselves, capable of all feats physical and metaphysical. Thought will be technology and we will advance the technology of thought until we no longer need technology....we only need thought. We only have thought. But what is the nature of thought that makes it such a powerful force? What was the first thougt?

When did man first look up from his animal ambitions and contrmplate his place in the world and what force, natural or supernatural, created that impulse?

God help me, there must be a reason. Do you ever feel like you're on the cusp of it? Like it's buried under your psyche just under the surface; like at any minute, everything will just click? You wish that one day your eyes will be open and suddenly it will all be clear... but I doubt it will ever happen. Some times I'm so full of shit I can't even stand it.


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